Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Celtic celebration @ downtown, Vancouver, CA.

St. Patrick's day - A celtic celebration @ downtown, Vancouver :

Vancouver's fifth annual St. Patrick's day parade, hosted by CelticFest vancouver, went down as smoothly as Guinness beer. More than 200,000 poeple grom all of over the lower Mainland crowded the side walks of the downtow core to cathc a glimpse of the 100 entries yeterday as canadian Air Force CP 140 Aurora, Canada's only strategic maritime surveillance aircraft, conducted a low altitude flyby over the crowd, ENtries in thie yeare's parade included Irish dancers, stilt walkers, pipe bands, a Korean marching band, a gigantic leprechaun riding in a green convertible and B.C. Lion Jason Jimenez. It's a great family entertainment & many kids were waiting for it since last year. The spectacle was the final event for CelticFest Vancouver 2008 which launched its festival last Wednesday.